I don’t mean my username! Yours!
I guess this is more of a game and maybe not strictly the right place. But, the idea is to make a top level reply with you asking ‘guess’ or saying ‘:)’ or what have you, and everyone else should answer what they think the username means or refers to, without looking any words or concepts up! Off the cuff, what do you think it means when you see this person’s username?
Not sure about the mobile apps, but if you hover over someone’s name in Lemmy it will show their username if they have a display name set. My username is quite boring and straightforward, but I like seeing other people’s weird usernames especially on semi-anon places.
Bonus: What do you visually think when you read it? Even if you misread it as a typo, what did you imagine when you read it & saw their avatar?
Mine isn’t very interesting, but sure
Ok, let’s do this. If you can guess where it’s from, you have great taste.
And don’t worry, I don’t actually harvest eyes.
Harvesting eyes of cuthulu from terraira?
Nope, never played Terraria. Here’s a hint: I gotta have more cowbell!
I don’t think I understand the reference, haha.
Alright, I’ll explain it: the ‘I gotta have more cowbell’ comes from a Saturday Night Live skit where the band Blue Öyster Cult are recording the song “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper” which has a cowbell playing after the first guitar chords, and the producer (played by Christopher Walken) keeps saying that he wants more cowbell. Tension rises within the band whether to have more or less cowbell.
I couldn’t find the full skit for some reason, so here’s a video of every instance Christopher Walken mentions cowbell throughout it.
So, to sum it up, this was me trying to hint, in a not too obvious and probably convoluted way, that Harvester of Eyes is a song by Blue Öyster Cult. It sounds kind of anti-climatic now, to be honest.
Nah, that’s a fun way to try and connect the two! I just haven’t watched much SNL, so it’s lost on me.
Me neither, it was just really popular in the early 00s so I ended up knowing about it. But yeah, I wasn’t sure if people would still remember it after all these years.
I gave up and looked it up. Thank you for your nickname! (You likely get what I mean, I don’t want to spoil it for the others.)
Uhh…I actually don’t, haha! I’m probably missing something, sorry!
Explaining it further.
As I websearched your nickname, the first mention that popped up was a song, Blue Oyster Cult: Harvester Of Eyes. I didn’t know the band or the song, but fuck, I loved it, I’m a suckeer for 70’s music. So thank you for the indirect suggestion!
Oh, I get it now, haha.
You’re welcome and I’m glad you liked it. Their first 3 albums are great starting points. Out of those, Secret Treaties is probably the most consistent but Tyranny & Mutation goes hard too. Especially Hot Rails to Hell.
Some may get mine others may think I’m a weirdo.
I can’t remember who is the Annie that is thirsted over the most, but I assume that one’s bossom.
I think my username is hard to guess
I thought it was fizzle beam so that was clear, a beam fizzling out. But a Bleam? hmm…Not sure!
the Fizzle beam was the name of an attack I used in a role play game, I was a fire mage ( a fizzle is a failed nuclear explosion) , and bleam is just beam with a L in the middle, for no reason
Ah so my misreading was correct! That’s a fun username!
Reading this post makes me realize I should probably make an avatar at some point, oh well maybe later
I feel like changelings are hard to depict their nature, haha. They could be anything!
It’s not what you probably think first…
The 6 short cousin of vegetable drink.
I’d love to participate but I think mine may be a little too easy. haha
six pixel art tapes
It’s a beat tape, but absolutely! -
Mine’s pretty obvious.
Well is The Arbiter from Halo, or just in general?
Definitely Halo, was a huge fan back in the day and now just keep using the name for consistency.
Good luck with that
“Hex” alongside the pic of Doom guy reminds me Hexen, another old style first person shooter. So I guess that you enjoy the genre?
I do enjoy the genre, but the two are unrelated I’m afraid 😅
Who can figure it out?
A mailer-daemon that gained sentience (became lucid).
Close! Thought the word lucid was cool and am nerdy with servers, so I chose daemon as it relates to my hobby/career.
More or less a realistic kernel service.
I like @misnina@lemmy.ml’s interpretation. But I had to comment on yours since mine is only 2 letters different. Though mine is pretty obvious where it came from :)
Honestly thought it sounded cool, like a realistic kernel service.
Am I late to the party?
I don’t know how long lemmy posts tend to last/float up and down, so let’s just say you’re right on time?
Zero The Red, being in The Red means in debt, so you are trying to ‘zero out’ the the debt in some place. Could be taken metaphorically.
I like that interpretation :p but I had a different thought process with my name
The “Zero” is a nod to Zero from the Megaman X series (I love him mad) and “the Red” is a nod to Axle the Red, a maverick boss from Megaman X5. He’s my favorite boss across the MMX games, so I did a dumb mashup of the two lol
That’s how my best friend makes his usernames! It’s very fun that way.
Mine’s insanely on the nose… i’m not very creative.
I’m actually curious what people would say about mine!
Foon to me is the sound of a pool noodle being thrown.
That’s hilarious, I think I’ll use that next time someone asks me where the nickname comes from 😁