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“It only took us three years, but we’ve finally achieved the full game we should have delivered on day 1.”
Fans must feel honored for the chance to beta test the game for a year after paying 60 for it.
At least they didn’t abandon it. The game was great on PC(v1.4, v1.6) apart from some minor bugs(NOT game breaking bugs).
It was a good game, just it fell well short of expectations. When you compare the little systems that contribute to games by R* like rdr2 / gta5 feeling so detailed and alive, it felt a bit barren, despite all the gorgeous backdrop and cool abilities.
“mile wide, inch deep” would be how I described it. The story was excellent but the gameplay loop imo needed some work.
Have you played the new version / dlc yet (I’ve not so pls no spoilery spoilers)?
I am planning on playing the DLC and probably replay the full story. Yeah apart from main and side missions the world is dead. Haven’t used mods but I doubt the open world will get any better or more enjoyable.
It was a solid 7/10 at launch and a clear 10/10 in the state it is in today. The new additions are fantastic and complete the experience imo.
I love CP2077, but there’s no way it was a 7/10 when it crashed every 30 minutes for most people and a significant percent of the quests broke. People (rightly) give flak to Bethesda on how buggy they released games in the past, but CP2077 was arguably buggier than that on release.
I mean if you were on PS4 or last gen hardware sure but largely it was stable for the specs current specs at least on PC. Had it day one and maybe a crash every other session…which is fairly normal for a resource intense game at release.
In fairness, I hated rdr2 and don’t really like the gta games because they’re a bit too much “violent life simulator” vs “game” for me.
As such, the only thing I hated about CP2077 was the bugs, crashes, and balance issues. Admittedly, I loved how cheap I got it because I bought it during the early reputation crash. It was unplayable for a few weeks, but for $17? Damn.
You’re telling me CP2077 is not violent? Have you seen how gory it can get? Have we played different games? Because this game is brutal from my experience.
No, really I’m not. I’m saying “violent life simulator” as a holistic explanation of what rdr2 and gta is. One thing I always loved about some other games like CP2077 and the tES games is that they’re much more forgiving in many ways, instead avoiding mapping on just “realism”.
Yeah for $17 it’d be an absolute steal, assuming it’s playable. Iirc it didn’t crash once for me, just there were sooooo many ridiculous graphical bugs, and so many systems just felt half-arsed or unfinished. Some notable examples for me:
looking out over the city from a high point, zooming in on the traffic and finding out they’re sprites
no real police / law system, you could have your back to a wall and they’d somehow teleport behind you
on my first cyberpsycho case, as the “Thanks for work, I’ll take it from here” call didn’t trigger until leaving the area, I was unsure of what to do with the knocked-out psycho, so I carried them to the trunk of my car. Well, the game did not account for my idiocy and there were, let’s just say, interesting spaghettification results when I drove away
the autodrive when calling your car often had hilarious or strange results
Those are features XD. You are in the future world so teleporting is possible. Maybe some traffic is just holograms? /jk
According to the holographic principle, our entire 3d universe is a projection of a 4d space, so really the traffic is more realistic than other games!
I could not complete CP2077 when I first put it in my PS4, but I bought it expecting that. I had a little knockaround fun in the early game and then put it aside until a big patch or two. It did, however, crash at least 1-2x per hour on me the entire first playthrough. By the time I played through a second time, it was down to 1 crash in 5 hours.
And yeah, I noticed some of the other bullet-points as well :)
It doesn’t change the fact that they over promised and under delivered and still raked in pre orders.
Until consumers figure out how to be patient, this is a trend in gaming that is going to continue. To NOT criticize it at every opportunity is doing yourself and every other gaming enthusiast a huge disservice.
That’s why I always buy after release and usually wait for some discounts. But I plan to buy BG3 even if it’s not discounted at the winter sale but I think it is pretty obvious that this game is pretty good already.
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Should they have all worked more crunch time instead?
No. They should not have released an unfinished game. You know, the game they advertised and sold to people before release.
Exactly. If they released it this year, it could’ve contended for game of the year. Instead, it released in a buggy, unfinished state.
Release games when they’re done, not when some exec or marketing person says it should release.
If my years in a technical field have taught me anything, it’s that this half-cooked shit sandwich was made by people in sales and management who were all promoted for making the shareholders happy. It’s always up to the engineers to slap some shit together that they just learned about yesterday and was needed last week.
8 years of development and that’s the state of the game at launch.
3 years after release, here’s a finished product
Lmao the absolute state of the gaming industry
They should have called it the 2080 edition.
Is this game any fun?
I thought the game was dull, characters was dull, voice acting was dull, not interesting story, Keanu was annoying. 4/10. Tried playing again after the new patch,and remembered the game was boring after 5 min.
Can’t tell if you’re being a jackass or a contrarian.
It was a serious question. I haven’t played this game.
While I find that hard to believe, I’ll take you at your word. As someone who has over 2k hours over the last three years, yes, it’s fun.
That’s cool. I was playing Starfield and kind of lost interest. Aren’t Starfield and Cyberpunk made by the same people?
What? Are you unable to do even the bare minimum of reading? Are you seriously asking if CDPR and Bethesda are the same developers?
I went in completely blind, knowing just the name and it’s a future shooter. It’s cool, I did side quests as they became available (ignoring storyline) and I think that’s the best way to do it, vs story first then side.
I’m disabled so played with a mouse only (kb for menus etc). I had a good time start to finish, and I only fucked up one side-quests (kinda mission design, kinda being an idiot). I haven’t played in a couple years, want to see what the new content is, just been hooked on other games.
I know the game “fell short” of hype but idc because I was interested and very very intentionally ignored all the hype bullshit. I feel I got my money’s worth, and enjoyed everything so far (story complete, all side as of 2y ago).
Yeah, it’s really fun. If it worked for you on release, it was fun then too, with some issues. Now? Absolutely a blast.
Is there any difference between the ultimate edition and just having the game+DLC?
Did they fix the writing/dialogue?
That’s arguably one of the few things that was fine at launch
Fine, sure, but IIRC they promised branching storyline with meaningful choices, but every review I’ve seen about the story claims it’s very linear and the choices that do exist aren’t particularly meaningful, at least in the context of branching storylines.
That’s fair, all choices merge back into three our four endings iirc, so yeah the meaningful choices part does fall flat on its face.
It was so painful to play through. So medium and bland
Okay but they didnt really add anything meaningful in that time other than the paid DLC, which was still pretty meh. The world is still weirdly barren and outside the unimpactful sidequests their’s very little to do and no realy incentive to do anything.
That’s just not a true statement. The 2.0 update, DLC, and 2.1 updates added an immense amount of stuff.
I already mentioned the DLC but what noteworthy stuff did the other updates add?
I’m not going to list them off, I recommend just going to look at the patch notes.
I have. That’s why I’m making these comments.
Why would you even ask what other noteworthy updates were added then? The AI and combat rework alone sells it for me.
1.6 and 1.7 were huge steps too, 1.7 with the five most popular mods resembled the current product pretty closely but there were drones.
Sure. They didn’t completely rework multiple core systems, improve performance, or anything for people who didn’t buy the dlc. Same exact thing it was when it released. /s
What core systems did they rework? the only one I can think of is they changed how police spawn.
Police spawning. The entire akill tree. Wardrobe, divorcing the armor stats from appearance. It’s a pretty drastically different game without the DLC from the product it was at launch.
I mean I litterally mentioned police spawning as the only major mechanic. And none of the other things you mention actually effect gameplay.
Yeah, I was echoing the police spawning as a point of emphasis. Go look at the old and new skill tree before you say that. That’s as close to gameplay-effecting as you can get. And the wardrobe, yeah, it’s not directly gameplay but it’s definitely more in line with the lore of the world. Oh yeah, vehicle combat was added.
The requirements increased too right? Are there any benchmarks for New Cyberpunk?
Games are not complete products on launch anymore. It’s all in Beta and the customers are the testers.