Smart of you, OP, to not include Morn in this because we all know he’d be the only choice for both Fuck and Marry.
Having to work really hard to separate my feelings about Guinan from my feelings about Whoopi lately. But even then, Troi, Crusher, Guinan.
So I was morbidly curious about what you meant, so I looked it up:
Whoopi Goldberg faces a fresh round of backlash after her latest historically inaccurate statement about the Holocaust, which she claimed “wasn’t originally” about race in an interview
Fuckin… yikes.
Computer: end program.
The most recent thing is her saying people who are struggling financially just aren’t working hard enough.
They just need to pull themselves up by their borgstraps!
I am not aware of this technology, perhaps you could enlighten me?
And she supports Polanski.
Man… what the fuck :(
Just a REALLY distressing percentage of Hollywood does. The apologia for that fucking freak is absolutely baffling.
Damn. Tough choice but I have always had a soft spot for crusher. So fuck Troi, kill guinan and marry Beverly
In that order. Wouldn’t want to spend a lifetime next to a mind reader. Guinan would be a wise, nurturing partner. Most importantly, Guinan can summon spirits and we all know who’d get a kick out of that.
So you’re saying Guinan will summon Dr Crusher and her boyfriend for a full DnD party right?
Down like a clown for that
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Con I choose 2 to kill?
In that order.