Hi everybody, my girlfriend showed me a Tiktok about manga authors adding unnecessary incest plotlines to their works and I thought immediately “They are from Monterrey” (we are from Mexico).
I remembered that the States have a similar joke about Alabama and I started wondering if other countries also have a state or city associated with people who are, for some unknown reason, attrated to their cousins.
Here in Mexico there even is a kind of saying for these people «A la prima se le arrima».
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Alberta - I love me some mennonites, but they are really into ‘keeping it in the family’.
-Source: Married a mennonite and absconded out of province with her.
Until I moved here I thought having a swastika on your truck would mean you’d find it on fire the first night you parked near other people.
So what you’re telling me is that Jordan Peterson is inbred…
That explains a lot.
Alberta is the Texas of the North, I think Sask is more Alabama / Arkansas.
Source: live in Sask 😢
Fuck can they run though
Nah, Alberta is the Georgia. Saskatchewan is the Alabama :D
Central Anatolia in Turkey. A lot more religiousness=half humorous half real stereotype of kid/cousin/donkey diddling.
Unnrealated Anatolian fun fact time. The world’s oldest known peace treaty between the Hittites and Egyptians originates from Anatolia.
Which has a few interesting details:
- The Hittite version claimed the Egyptians asked for peace; the Egyptian version claims the Hittites asked for peace
- The signatories for the Hittites were the king and his wife, the “great lady” Paduhepa
Also, about a century and a half earlier, there was nearly a marriage between an Egyptian queen who asked for one of the sons of the Hittite king, something so unheard of they commented about how mind blowing the request was. Unfortunately the prince they sent was assassinated en route, as otherwise the joint marriage would have established a kingdom the largest the region had seen or would see until Alexander the Great.
(That story and what may have really been going on with the queen involved is probably one of the most interesting hidden details in all of history as best I’ve seen.)
Thanks, I’d never read about Paduhepa. That’s a fun rabbit hole.
Where’s the NEWEST peace treaty between the Hittites and Egyptians from, though? I’m guessing Birmingham.
Saarland in Germany, supposedly
Your position is that Florida is more Alabama than Alabama?
They’re certainly trying to out Alabama Alabama, at least.
Florida’s Sunshine Laws just make their trash public. I shudder to think what happens in Alabama without our knowledge. 😬😬😬
Native Floridian, can confirm.
Source country: Denmark
I dunno, Iceland’s right there with their dating apps that specifically make sure you aren’t related.
Kinda necessary when your population is less than 400,000.
Go back not that far, relatively, and everyone living there (who isn’t a immigrant) is related in some capacity.
I guess they’re OK with being just a little bit related. Like just a skosh.
There’s a line you won’t cross, and that line depends entirely on how horny you are.
Icelander here. Our Alabama is Selfoss
Sweden and Denmark have a bit of a history, so I’m not sure what to believe: https://satwcomic.com/nordic-brothers
Me, I only tell the truth.
Also from Denmark. I came here to say Lolland-Falster, but yours work too!
For switzerland it’s appenzell
damn was not fast enough lol
Sry 'bout that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, incest isn’t limited to Alabama. Also applies to Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Don’t really know how it got started but this seems to include all the places that can have some hardcore hillbillies.
Anywhere low population densities limit the dating pool.
Central PA.
In Ireland, pretty much anyone who lives outside a major urban centre. We call them “culchies”.
Girl, no. Our Alabama is most definitely Roscommon.
A cluchie is just a way of saying country person. It has absolutely nothing to do with incest.
Same in the UK, lived in the Midlands and the people in the next village over we’re “fennies” (because they lived in the fens). Cue jokes about webbed feet and incest
Everybody gangster till Kashmir walks in.
The Alabama of my country is Alabama
Lemme guess…you’re from Norway? Nigeria? Definitely somewhere starting with N!
Argh! Don’t say Ni!
Echi echi sproing!
Santiago del Estero
entre solo para ver esto
From a historical perspective Finland is essentially “Alabama: the country”, and for example there’s a bunch of rare genetic diseases that are much more common in people with Finnish heritage. Population has always been pretty sparse so it’s not much of a surprise that people, err… “kept it in the family” so to speak – and it’s not exactly uncommon even nowadays in some of the more rural areas (ie. pretty much the majority of the country 😅 )
well that explains everyone getting naked together and the folk heroes fucking their sisters and whatnot
To be fair, incest is like weirdly common in many myths; for example the gods of the Greek pantheon got up to some really freaky shit that makes the light sister-fucking in the Kalevala seem practically wholesome.
Interestingly the story of Kullervo’s sister-fucking (which I think was accidental, but I’m too lazy to read the article to check) leading to terrible consequences was intended as a warning against the practice, because there was a heavy taboo on incest – and that’s a bit hilarious considering the fact that that we were such prodigious sister/cousin/etc-fuckers for such a long time that our gene pool now has turds floating in it.
Those amateurs in Alabama doesn’t have anything on us yet; we can reassess the situation once they have as many ridiculously rare hereditiary diseases as we do per capita.