Multiple Personalities.
When you say you wanna see other people, they already are other people!
If a person with protanopia/deuteranopia looks at a red flag, one sees green-ish flag.
Of ur moving fast enough the doppler effect.
Did you consciously try to make yourself look as dumb as possible?
Just checked ur comment history and i think ur a little insecure about ur intelegence. Dont worry ill let u have the last word.
They’re just not moving fast enough, or possibly in the right direction.
Sooooo, wavelengths (λ) become longer when something moves away (redshift) and become shorter when something moves towards you (blueshift).
For a red flag (λ0=610nm) to become a green flag (λ1=549nm), it has to move towards you quite fast. But how fast is ‘quite fast’?
Using the formula
flag_velocity / speed of light © = difference in wavelengths / starting wavelength
we get
flag_velocity = (610-549) / 610 * c = 61 / 610 * c = 1/10 * c
This means: the flag has to move with about c/10 = 30 000 000 m/s = 108 000 000 km/h = 67 108 100 mph. Yeah, that’s quite fast.
use info on own risk
values for λ were chosen in a way to make calculations easy. There is no info on what shade of red or green the flag is. The final result will be about the same.
With speeds at around 10% of c, I should use the formula considering the relativistic doppler effect… However, i wont. Thanks.)
Well, instead of moving the flag, we could collapse the space in between us rapidly. Would that be easier? I think I have some dark energy around here somewhere…
They did the math
Color blindness test
Red flags: wants constant attention, nags constantly for me to make her dinner, sometimes physically hurts me.
Green flag: when it’s my cat.
Or a toddler/infant.
Having a picture of a burning CCP flag on their wall 🇨🇳🔥
If you’re colorblind.
Red flag: My friend once saw what looked like people setting a RadioShack ablaze and stealing all the expensive electronics and making off with them all.
Green flag context: It was actually a faulty electronic that caused the fire, and the “thieves” were Good Samaritans saving everything from getting burned.
Hope they got all of the free battery of the month cards!
What are those?
You could get a card that entitled you to a free battery every month.
Oh. I’m not sure. That’s the least they could’ve done though, considering someone posted a video of them saving the electronics and ruined their reputation. Made worse because they were loyal AA immigrant employees in a community that was growing unfonder of the immigration and the perception of what they were doing caused things to skyrocket.
Witnessing a crime is a red flag?
The crime itself is the red flag, or would’ve been if it was truly a crime.
Lying and pretending to know something who’s actually a complete stranger to them
When the stranger is a drunk woman in distress clearly trying to get away from a predator.
Say “I love you babe!”
- Long term relationship - green
- First date - red
Say “I’ll beat you!”
- Racing a kid - green
- When stoping in the middle of the woods with your date - red
Let a fart rip
- With a friend when the room is silent - green
- On your date when she rims you - red
I can go on
Please do
Please don’t
I dunno that last one could both be green flags!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No kink shaming on that last one
Pleasen’t don’t
Piss-play fetish if you swim around the Great Barrier Reef a lot.
I’m sorry, what?
GBR has crazy jellyfish. Otherwise:
Why is there a laugh for literally everything they say?
Yeah, it’s really stark looking back at it.
Friends was a relatively well-written show, with strong comedic actors. It didn’t need this level of aggressive laugh-tracking.
Jellyfish stings shouldn’t be peed on, it doesn’t help and it can make the sting worse.
Someone really wanted to pee on someone else, and we’re all suffering for their naivety.
Yeah, the comedic utility is inverse to actual.
You don’t think it be like that, but it do
If your partner is indiscriminately murdering vaguely shady people with a bow and arrow it will probably be fine, cause he’ll reset the universe and become god (or something?) just be sure to weep about being betrayed at least once every seas—er… year.
Hating the democratic party of the United States. Without any other context you would assume they are a republican. But once they start critiquing marx and explaning how Trotsky’s permanent revolution is the only viable path forward you know they are good people.
Alternatively, if someone supports the dems no matter what, that is a red flag that should never be overlooked especially when they start rationalizing their perverted beliefs by name-dropping minorities out of the blue.
Sometimes a bad credit rating is a good thing
How so
Keeps you from buying shit you don’t need