Mine is the lag in Stellaris, and lack of options to let me impact it. Like let me disable the ability for the AI to make habitats FFS!
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I googled it… is steve a giant creepy bug with a giant maw?
Steve is an adorable loving companion who will fight to the death to save his friends.
(He is also a giant creepy bug with huge teeth).
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Well… Now I’m sad
Oh, he is puppy and friend.
I now understand, he needs to come with us and to have a little section for how many little Steve’s we have successfully brought home and can like see them all running around together.
Never played the game but I get it, I have pack bonded with Steve and he needs to get to safety.
After doing proper research I am now in love with Steve and am HIGHLY offended that he can’t come home with us.
He is best boy, and I want to be able to not only bring them back home with me, but have a room filled with every Steve I have ever rescued so they can all be friends together.
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Any time I can’t pet the dog.
I despise hub worlds - don’t make me walk around a map to access menu options. I’m currently playing Division 2 and can’t stand to find all of the people to just play the game.
The number of games that do this is to long to list: Destiny, Darktide, Fireteam.
Imagine Tarkov with a hub instead of menus. 🤢
Yup. So many games mess this up. You CAN do a good hub world, but it needs to have lots of interesting things in it, not just glorified menu options
I’ve always liked how the banjo kazooie games did it. Rather than being a hub world, they had a lot of stuff to do that it makes the “worlds” into sub-worlds
Ugh this is why I can’t play Vanilla mount and blade warband.
In every single city you enter, you have to find the important people to talk to. They all are the exact same people, but you have to find them. And they are all in different places in the city, but there is absolutely nothing else interesting in the city to find. Like there are no secrets, you just have to wander the city looking for the Quest Giver in an otherwise bland city.
Every single mod ever simply adds a button you can click saying “Speak to guild master”
I wish the lower weapon skills in Morrowind didn’t outright miss and make an unsatisfying “swish” sound. Maybe just reduce the damage or something, the early game is so rough because of this.
Funnily enough about Stellaris iirc they actually said in their last update this week that in 3.9 or whatever the next patch is they are “reworking some habitat functionality.” Not sure if it will make late game better or worse. 🤷♂️
They’ve always been a nightmare balance wise, so fingers crossed they make them less obnoxious. I don’t understand why they are uncapped either. Like outposts/mega structures outside of gates are, why can AI build 50 of these suckers?
Oni: not possible to rebind keys.
As for honorable mentions, Urban Chaos/Attack of the saucerman: I can’t imagine a successful remake.
I… for some reason am seeing red at the idea of a game I am playing not letting me rebind keys? It’s such a bare minimum feature and is so frustrating when you can’t.
Relatable. If it wasn’t for good memories of its demo, I wouldn’t have picked it up back then.
I wish you make the levels bigger in nethack
Why the fuck am I eating this rice raw when I could add it to a pot of water on a stove?
It’s Quake II, yes I’m old but they just remastered it and you should check it out. There’s a nice difficulty curve up until the last two levels, which are basically the easiest levels in the entire game. Seriously, the last boss which has been hyped up the entire game just stands in his corner shooting easy to dodge BFGs, and can be killed in about a minute, even faster if you use Quad damage.
Idk what id call my favorite but the game im currently playing is Borderlands 3 and the most annoying thing is how much spoken dialog there is. I just want to tell the npcs to shut up. Even with skipping the cut scenes there is still too much talking. The worst part is even if you walk away they still talk over the echonet. I just want to hear the badass music and guns and occasional quip from the enemies. I dont care about how much tyreen wants to suckle the vaults tits, or about her imaginary sub/dom fantasies about me.
Can’t restart procgen history after playing a fortress in Dwarf Fortress.
Current game pet peeve - the delay after each enemy acts in combat in Baldur’s Gate 3. I absolutely love this game, but big combats take longer than they should because after each enemy acts, there seems to be a 5-10 second delay before moving on to the next.
Favorite game pet peeve - The overall poor performance/memory management in HBS’s Battletech game. Again, love the game, have put nearly 2000 hours into it over the years, but damn the performance can just be painful sometimes.
Ugh turn based games that have overly long turns and don’t let you speed them up is so tilting.
Like I’m here to play a game, not watch the same 10 second cut scene 5000 times.
In Star Ocean: The Last Hope, it’s really hard to have a balanced party while keeping all your party members trained up. A lot of older RPGs have this issue because of the lack of EXP sharing for reserve party members, but this game stands out as being rather new (2009) in respect to those older RPGs.
And on that note, controversial opinion: EXP sharing is a good thing! It cuts down on unnecessary grinding and gets you through the story faster, which helps with pacing in a lot of games.
Hard agree!
Lack of EXP sharing also discourages trying new things. Like you get a new party member 10 levels below your current party, and like they “look” cool… but that would mean grinding the crap out of it just to see if they are fun. So you end up just sticking with the highest party members and never touching any others.
IMO, Bloodborne is an almost perfect game, design-wise. But I just wish it didn’t have chromatic aberration. I hate it in every game and the fact that one of my favorite games has this shit built in and you can’t turn it off will always bother me.
Also the performance is horrible but I don’t think many people would disagree with me on that.
Fucking annoying bard not getting out of your way in Assassin’s Creed. I keep getting yelled at for stabbing him.