Essentially, I want us to sound like cavemen.
I’ll start:
HomesliceAbe was playing Mario kart and HomesliceAbe’s dad couldn’t think of name of one of courses (HomesliceAbe thinks name was "Moonview Highway?). HomesliceAbe’s dad called course “Homeslice Highway” and HomesliceAbe thought new name was hilarious. Also, HomesliceAbe is big fan of Abraham Lincoln.
deleted by creator
am girl
pizza like pizza
Who knows? But plan to find out
On Lemmy. Am man.
Clouds get low
Signup for lemmy through memmy. Choose normal name. Invalid name. Choose normal name with number. Invalid name. Choose invalid name. OK.
Looked at still pictures in books as kid. Favourite superhero Ironman. RDJ play Ironman. Like. Now name, but make dumb change.
Me mad, me wizard, me speaks
me liked (and still) android so me make it me reddit username me also had made Roblox account and mixed my real name with PewDiePie and once reddit api incident happened i merged the names with underscore
wait crap
Wanted something that had no connection to previously used usernames, and also puns are fun.
Password manager auto-generation
my fursona is a rabbit and kuneho means rabbit in some languages
skunk like skunks