Lots of suspicious comments in this thread. Seems like political astro-turfing has already arrived on Lemmy
We have a lot of pro empire shills here after the reddit migration.
They’re laughable. I’ve gotten like 30 replies to 1 comment and then they say “You seem mad” Yes…I’m the mad one. 🙄
I know right! How come there are so, so many people defending China here? I thought they were the minority. Ugh. When I was back on Reddit comments like those would always be downvoted to hell.
Go back to watching your Fox News
gee are you a bot
Go back to watching your Fox News
ok seems like you’re a bot
Seems like you believe Fox News bullshit
I hate fox news
Goddammit, I do NOT want us to be propping up a war in Ukraine and fighting an actual war with China.
Nobody wants to have to defend free and sovereign nations such as Ukraine and Taiwan from agressive expansionist foreign powers like China and Russia. But here we are.
Daily reminder that the Taiwan Province is an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China:
And that this is recognized by the United Nations ever since 1971 after UNGAR 2758.
Source, page 546: https://web.archive.org/web/20230503050030/https://legal.un.org/unjuridicalyearbook/pdfs/english/volumes/2010.pdf
Video of the votes happening: https://invidious.projectsegfau.lt/watch?v=sfOIEjuXFyU
As a french dude, and given our history, I have no choice but to stand against all imperialisms. Claiming a territory against the will of its people is exactly what imperialism is. France has done that for centuries along with most of the european powers of the time. Imperialism is criminal, it is murderous, and profoundly unjust. It is nothing less than colonisation. Just let people live on their own terms.
Learn what imperialism is FFS. Throwing around words you don’t know the meaning of serves no purpose but to make you appear foolish
If you’d like to try being constructive, you can drop the FFS and follow up with reading advice, for instance, or a bit of your own. It doesn’t have to be long winded, it can just be a couple sentences. This is a good habit to make your own, and replace the waving off with.
Imperalism by Lenin as has already been recomended for starters
KMT, that originally fled and established Formosa, now says they want to reunite with China. The opposition is DPP, US puppet party that is squatting as “western neoliberal government”…
The opposition is the people. Do you actually know anyone from Taiwan ?
You mean Chinese people? I do. Taiwan and mainland are one China.
“well if the UN is saying it”
~lemmygrad, when its useful
Last I checked liberals are all about respecting rules and international law, so we’re just holding you to your own standards here.
Hexbear and Lemmygrad fellow dudes and dudettes ❣️ o7
lmao hexbear incels trying hard here
Libs salty tears yummy
Surprise surprise, Hexbear users came to brigade other instances exactly the way they said they would. Bad actors through and through.
You are brigading as well. This isn’t your instance
Weird. There’s a lot of anti China stories circulating this week. Like maybe they are trying to influence public opinion.
Don’t do shitty things and there won’t be coverage lmao
Shitty things like… Flying within China’s ADIZ that happens to overlap with Taiwan’s ADIZ because Taiwan refuses to use the median line as their ADIZ boundary like China does?
Free Taiwan
Sure, but violating ADIZ is a non-issue. There are other, more important things to worry about.
haha yeah or maybe China is an imperialist military dictatorship.
Imperialist??? I think the projection is coming from within the house (the white one)
Good on ya, assuming I’m American (I’m not). Also, classic use of US bad, therefore Russia/China good. Two countries can be overmilitarized imperialists at the same time.
Tankie says what?
Just so you know, when you insult someone like that without explanation. You push them away from your position. I will now make it my mission to learn everything I can about tankies to prove you wrong. 😃
Ok tankie
Ok Fascist
You’re defending a dictatorship that pretends to be communist. China is closer to fascism than most of the world. Which you’d understand, if you weren’t a fucking tankie.
I’m not defending China, or Russia, or America. I’m just looking at media with a clear perspective. Which you would understand, if you had a skeptical mind.
I’m skeptical of you having more than like 4 working braincells.
China does thing
News reports on thing China does
There’s a big world with a lot of news. Why focus on China?
Thankfully there isn’t a daily quota of news, and I assure you as a newswire Reuters is reporting on just about all of it
Thanks for the tips
They’re only a global superpower that is constantly causing problems for everyone around it, no big deal or anything. Definitely not newsworthy at all, no.
There’s a war in Sudan, no big deal.
It’s possible to report on two things at once. In fact Reuters reports on many different things at once
I work for Reuters
Reuters reports on that too
Post that to !politics.
Aspiring superpower, really. They don’t quite check all the boxes yet – particularly when it comes to force projection.
China discovered that Lemmy exists and sent their bots here, it’s so obvious! No thinking person would ever doubt Western media!!!111
(Not saying that one empire is better than the other, yadda yadda)
Yep, I’m a bot. Don’t think for myself at all. Just an NPC. How ‘bout we stop empiring?
Or maybe its because china is china… lol
Theres also more heat wave/clinate related news in the summer than in the spring
What do you think the truth is, bro?
Capitalism and the neoliberalism that supports the aristocratic hierarchy funneling wealth from developing nations is destroying the world. But go ahead, focus on China while the housing crisis and inflation fuels fascism inside western countries destroying them from the inside.
it’s okay to admit both are true lmao. we can have developing fascism in america AND china can be a dictatorship. They’re not mutually exclusive
Developing fascism is the understatement of the century lmao the US has slavery enshrined into the 13th amendment. Henry kissenger is literally still alive.
When white people do it, it’s “difficult history but ‘workable’” but when China superficially resembles it (taking Chinese history at face value), it’s “unforgivable capitalist dictatorship imperialist empire big brother”
So China is not a dictatorship? I’m confused on what you’re arguing
There’s more to China’s political system than “just a dictatorship” but I won’t disagree with you that it’s not a dictatorship if you see one party rule as emblematic of one.
What I am arguing is that even well intentioned comments like the one I was responding too still misrepresents history and is to the benefit of the American political establishment (that being Washington and its business oligarchs). The person I was responding too wasn’t blatantly wrong, but the diction at use here is deserving of criticism. “Developing fascism” is an easy way to conflate both the Western European fascist culture and aesthetics and the historically unique proto-fascist (before fascism was defined academically) culture of the USA.
Neoliberal bootlickers like Johnny (“sell-out to the WEF”) Harris exploit this heavily to great effect on large for-profit social media sites: trading historical nuance for sensationalism. This isn’t a moot point it’s whats happening now.
Fair enough. I can see how the phrase “developing fascism” might mask the severity of the existing and growing problems within the U.S. To be honest, I wasn’t really aware of such differences, and think that myself and a lot of other people could learn a lot from that message. I’d be happy to discuss what we both think of as Fascism to make sure we’re talking about the same thing.
But also, that wasn’t really my main point. I’m not trying to minimize the faults of the US or demonize the Chinese political system. I of course know that there are a lot of forces contributing to the state that it’s in, and that there are a lot of factors that keep it that way. And I’m not even especially criticizing the idea of one-party rule.
But the fact is that there are many, varied human rights and freedoms being suppressed in today’s China, and those problems have been perpetuated or worsened under the control and direction of a single dynasty of leaders. I’ve read and watched a lot of accounts of political events in 2021/2022 from people who live inside and outside of China, and I’m forming my opinions on those. Stuff like the inhumane conditions during lockdowns, constant nucleic acid testing, corruption and negligence leading to huge wastes in the housing markets, etc. And I know that a lot of these phenomena were spun up due to how quickly China industrialized as a nation. But too many of them were brought about under the direct orders of Xi.
So when people see criticisms of China being challenged, whether or not they disagree with the idea of a dictatorship, they see it as a denial that those injustices are happening. I think more productive than arguing with someone who you perceive to be misunderstanding something, would be to ask them questions, see where their misunderstanding lies, and to offer information or sources that could educate them or help them educate themselves. When you go into the interaction assuming that someone is trying to paint with a broad brush and accuse them as such, then you’re going to get a lot of people to shut down, and then they’ll never receive your message.
In other words what you’re saying is that because other countries do fucked up shit that means it should be perfectly acceptable when china does it.
Seems awfully strange to try and normalize shitty behavior.
They are just showing us what non-imperialism looks like
How can a country intrude into its own territory? These separatists need to be put in their places.
Fuck the CCP.
I love how liberals are only capable of regurgitating a handful of tropes they memorize like the bots they are.
-Go back to your Fox News
-Learn the proper names of things before attempting to engage about them because it only makes you appear foolish to use the wrong acronyms
Fuck Fox News too
Go back to watching your Fox News. You are clearly caught up in their racist propaganda
deleted by creator
This is a bot ass reply if I’ve ever seen one
Fox News and Russian/CCP media use the same double talk, enemy at the gates, boogie man bad speak. Supporting Russian aggression in Ukraine or Chinese aggression in Taiwan is the as supporting American agression in the middle east. It all has the same stink.
Aww, another western conservative who doesn’t know proper acronyms and defends Nazis, how original
Lol, I went to high school in the years after 911 and had trash thrown at me and had to have a meeting with the principal when I stopped saluting the flag. I felt like everyone lost their minds and were replaced by pod people. If you’re going to make personal attacks, take a bit of time to check the comment history of who you’re insulating. I’ve never once simped for America.
deleted by creator
It can’t, so this must not be part of the PRC’s territory! :)
I bet you agree with the January 6th rioters too!
How are those things related? There’s a wide spectrum between “right wing wacko” and “tankie nutjob”.
Because both are ridiculous conservative conspiracy theories with no basis in reality
The existence… of the nation … of Taiwan … is a ridiculous conservative conspiracy theory?
My man, I’ve been there. It existed! Go figure
There is an island called Chinese Taipei with a group of conservative nut jobs try to claim a historically ridiculous claim of independence
Western Tawan has no claim over the Island of Taiwan.
Gosh, really? Did they just move out there? How did they get there? Are there many of them? Eye opening stuff!
Ah so you’re one of those qanon guys. Jfc…
Whilst you are the one to defend the fascist dictator in Ukraine
So let me get this straight, a group of people overwhelmingly wish to separate, and the government tries to prevent them from doing that, and you don’t think that’s imperialism? I bet you don’t feel the same about separatism in Catalonia, Donbas, Kurdistan, or the Zapatistas. Classic tankie logic: imperialism good when done by purported “communists.”
Almost like the reason some of the population is because they stole from the Chinese people and fled to the island when the people fought back. The oppressor doesn’t deserve to get to pick to be independent
And how long ago was that exactly?