I worked hard at imitating the Leonard Nimoy Spock’s raised eyebrow for quite a while. I don’t regret the time spent practicing that in front of a mirror. I never mastered a fully raised eyebrow, but I can do a slight eyebrow raise.

Whenever someone is being greedy or acting a fool, I say, “hoo-man,” in a bad Ferengi accent.

Jean-Luc Picard’s “make it so” is a go to phrase for me.

My first sip of coffee for the day is always my Janeway moment.

When someone says something far fetched, I say “really.” I think I’m channeling Benjamin Sisko. No one else sees it that way.

I say “p’takh” a bit too often. Not to anyone who understands Klingon. Not yet, anyway.

Any Star Trek mannerism or phrase you’ve incorporated into your life?

  • The Bard in GreenA
    42 years ago

    There are some things I’ve done in my life, some choices I’ve made, maybe even some bridges I’ve burned where when the dust settles and I’m thinking about it I have said out loud:

    “I can live with it. I CAN live with it.”