Please suggest a good and relatively affordable private email provider. I am considering tuta, mailbox right now. I know proton has gone rogue.

I cannot self host one and the email provider must be somewhat reputable as I will be using this for my work portfolio. Anything with €1-€3 per month is encouraged.

    828 days ago

    Been using Mailbox for years without any issue. German reliability. But the fact that one of Proton’s directors revealed that he agrees with 75 million Americans does not mean that a whole company, based in Switzerland and with many other stakeholders, has “gone rogue”. I’m not getting into a new fight about this here but I really think American progressives need to drop this religious approach to dissent and heterodoxy and just relax a little. It will be okay.

      928 days ago

      It was the company’s official stance per their official social media account. Not just the CEO/one board member.

      028 days ago

      Are you kidding me right now? You call a fascist takeover a bit of “dissent” that we need to “relax a little” about?

      You think the CEO of a privacy company coming out in support of a dictator who wants to erode rights and abolish privacy laws, and believes in jailing dissenters, to not have gone rogue?

      We literally have American citizens being sent to an offshore military concentration camp so their lawful rights can be waived, and you think that’s okay?!