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It’s a big difference whether a folder is named PetersHits or PeterShits. So what should I expect when opening a folder called petershits? Pictures of Peter on the potty or some great songs?
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Hard disagree. I don’t understand why anyone would want case insensitive.
Am I the only one who doesn’t go around mindlessly capitalizing letters? Do people find it too difficult to capitalize things?
Do you want case insensitive passwords too?
If I type X I mean X and only X. Uppercase letters are different letters, just like X and Y are different letters.
Passwords ≠ Filesystems
Uppercase letters are different letters
No, they’re different glyphs, they’d still be alphabetized the same way as X and x are the same letter
It’s less about me randomly capitalizing letters and more about me not remembering whether or not what I’m looking for had capitals or not.
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You can turn it off, at least for ext4: