I’ve been using linux for more than a decade at this point, but in all that time I’ve rarely had a disk drive. The fact that this command exists and is just, one of the core utils included with your distro along with su and kill and mount and more is just… so beautiful. 10 years amore with this OS and I’m still learning things that the elders in the audience are snickering at me for only learning 5 minutes ago while they were popping their disk trays open with a single command back when disk drives were a non optional component.

  • @communism@lemmy.ml
    42 months ago

    I still have a disk drive but eject doesn’t seem to affect it since for some reason I don’t have a /dev/cdrom. I just checked with the physical eject button on the drive and it is at least still physically working—the tray ejects! I don’t have any optical media to test if the drive still works to read CDs though