The safest option is obvious, don’t try to access its contents, but if you absolutely had to, what steps would you take to minimize/contain any potential harm to your device/network?
AFAIK computers with normal setups won’t auto-run anything on a flash drive you insert. At most they’ll prompt you to ask if you want to run something. (Say no.)
So, it’s pretty safe to look at what files exist on the flash drive. Then you just have all the various exploits that exist with unknown files. Obviously, don’t run any executables on the drive. Don’t double-click on anything that looks like it’s a document (say PDF or word doc) because it might not be. To be extra safe, even if it is actually a PDF or word document, don’t open in the standard program (word or acrobat) because there’s a slight chance it might be an actual PDF that exploits an unpatched vulnerability in that program.
If I work in Iran’s nuclear program, and found this flash drive on the ground outside, I’d be a lot more cautious and maybe do some of these extremely paranoid things people here are suggesting. But, if Aunt Jenny was just over for a visit and I found a flash drive in the hallway near her room and want to check to see if it might be hers, it’s probably safe just to insert the drive take a quick look and not click on anything.
It doesn’t have to be a drive though. A random USB stick could actually be a virtual keyboard in disguise, ready to execute a scripted payload by simply injecting all the keystrokes as if it’s any other ordinary keyboard.
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