"Counterpoint" VOY, Episode 5x10
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KASHYK: I doubt you'd know a wormhole from a dark matter inversion.
JANEWAY: Professor Kashyk is another expert I've retained to help us with this matter. I'm afraid he's not as impressed with your work as I am. In fact, he discouraged me from seeking you out.
TORAT: Professor Kashyk? Never heard of you.
KASHYK: Not surprising, considering you toil in scientific obscurity.
TORAT: Obscurity! I've discovered over sixty astronomical phenomena!
KASHYK: Not worth the sensors they were recorded on.
JANEWAY: There's no need to insult the man. Just because he doesn't know how to find an interspatial flexure.
One of my favourite performances from VOY (S05E10 Counterpoint).
Hats off to the makeup team for that prosthetic- and to actor Randy Lowell.