Give us the cheat codes to your industry/place of work!
or your next ticket is gonna be low priority no matter what.
That’s childish and won’t ever cause a change in their behavior.
Bonus points if they show management the ticket that’s stalling a project from progressing and has been sitting on your desk for 2 weeks.Stalling a ticket here means a day, not two weeks. I have 72 hours to respond at a maximum before I get penalized. We are worked so fast here the skin flies off your bones.
I will prioritize nicer clients (assuming the issue is equal as fast to solve) if they are more pleasent to work with.
You say that like it’s the one “high priority” ticket that the one big project is waiting on. In a sea of backlogged high priority issues attached to critical projects, being an asshat means that yours will be at the bottom of the 100 other super-important, my job-is-special tickets.