Is it just me or are many independent search engines down? Duckduckgo, my go to engine, qwant, ecosia, startpage… All down? The only hint I got was on the qwant page…
Edit: it all seems to be related to bing being down. I hope the independent engines will find a way to get really independent…
Isn’t that searx / searxng?
SearXNG is a fork from the well-known searx metasearch engine which was inspired by the Seeks project. It provides basic privacy by mixing your queries with searches on other platforms without storing search data. SearXNG can be added to your browser’s search bar; moreover, it can be set as the default search engine.
SearXNG appreciates your concern regarding logs, so take the code from the SearXNG sources and run it yourself!
Add your instance to this list of public instances to help other people reclaim their privacy and make the internet freer. The more decentralized the internet is, the more freedom we have!
Not at all. This just searches multiple search engines at once and presents you with the results from all of them on a single page. is back is still there, actually.
Aw, hell yes