I wouldn’t dare defile Douglas Adam’s memory by not mentioning that you should keep a towel with you at all times, but my second contender is a surprisingly short three-parter:
- never lie.
- never tell the whole truth.
- never pass up a chance to use a real bathroom.
No-one has ever said on their deathbed, “I only wish I worked more”
I know of at least one person who might have actually said that, were he not busy working from the hospital when he died. People don’t say that because no one who enjoys working somehow failed to find work to do.
I’m not sure what you’re saying, but if a person worked with saving other peoples lives, then perhaps I could be wrong.
What I meant is that there are people who genuinely enjoy their work above all else. Those are the people who might say they wished they spent more time at work. However, there is rarely anything keeping them from work that they don’t also value. If a person enjoys working, there’s very little preventing them from working.
I like to turn that one around and say: nobody says on their death bed that they regret spending so much time with their kids.