The thing is I believe that statement is a bit misunderstood.
Calculators were already becoming pocket sized back in the day, but using it to calculate things if you don’t know how to use it is where the actual problem is.
Hence the reasoning to learn how to math vs only having the device.
I’m not saying I disagree, but I had a different experience.
Calculators were already becoming pocket sized back in the day…
True, but I can count on 0 hands how many people I knew carried one in their pocket.
Now if the calculator were built into a beeper, everyone would have had one.
or a watch!
I don’t think people realised how quickly tech would advance.
I was being fed that line in 2008 when everyone in the class did, in fact, have a calculator in their pockets
Yeah, in my experience “You won’t carry a calculator with you everywhere you go” was what they said to justify pointless busywork.
it’s very easy to enter wrong numbers on a calculator, but you need some basic reasoning and familiarity to know when an answer is off, and you need to start over