HK was hugely coordinated though. It would be like if not just a campus but the whole city was in on it because they knew they didn’t have a choice, and the tactics were more specific to what would work against the CCP, not the US. If it was in another country that wasn’t an oppressive autocracy, it would probably have been very effective.
Edit: hey downvote if you want, but tell me something like this doesn’t take coordination:
Their oppressive autocracy vs our (?)
Liberal media in HK pumped up the young full of lies in HK so they would protest against a country that would provide them housing, a better quality of living and most importantly; democracy. Its a hard truth to swallow but more HK protestors killed other HK people than police vs HK protestors…
Something most people in HK dont have as an account of being a british colony for 100 years.
This is… Not evidence of coordination, but of network effects. The same reason that hockey fans descending into a riot after losing Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals is not an indication that they organized a riot.
Unlike the Hong Kong protests, these protests are for actual issues instead of an NED fueled fight to prevent the extradition of a guy who murdered his girlfriend.