Like where is the goto psych/CS UI 101 class/book/YT that over simplifies but grounds someone with no background or previous knowledge? Maybe something like the “Blender Doughnut” of great UI design?
I’ve changed UI twice with an app recently. I have a slight intuitive grasp of what I don’t like, but I lack the language and depth in this niche to express the emotional response well. I have no clue where to start with my own designs if I ever felt motivated to create one.
If there was hard science behind UI design they wouldn’t totally redesign everything every couple of years.
There is a decent amount, these companies just like to ignore it. Problem is, boring familiar design is best design, but that’s not what gets the interest and jobs
We ought to stop calling it UI when it’s not meant to benefit the user anymore. A lot of changes are probably more accurately called VCI because they are dark patterns meant to benefit the VC instead of the User.
This is such a weird statement given UI refers to what the user interfaces with, dunno what wacky drugs you’re on friend
I see what you mean, I could have phrased it differently. What I meant is that the interface is no longer designed to serve the user (even though the user is using it). The purpose of the interface of a lot of things has shifted from being user focused to exist entirely to serve the interests of the VC (venture capital, e.g., investors) behind the product. It is literally an interface for the investors to generate more money, not for the user to accomplish their tasks better.
And they didn’t even explain what VC is, lol
Venture capitalism?
You were right!
Yeah sorry, that’s a commonly used abbreviation for venture capital, e.g. the investors who own stock/capital in the company that makes the software. I shouldn’t assume everyone knows what that means.
Thank you for clarifying! That makes sense!
It’s not just that companies like to ignore it, it’s also that they have incentive to make shitty UI if it means they’ll make more money off it (e.g. intentionally showing things in searches that people weren’t looking for in the hopes that they might click/engage/purchase)
iOS has looked pretty much the same since 2009, adding additional features, but keeping most of the stuff the same