I’ve never been a big Trek fan, preferring to align with Star Wars in the false choice between them.
However this past weekend, I bought a Raspberry Pi box, and an 8tb hard drive, and the first thing I pirated was the entire first season of TNG.
I propose we call this “doing a Lemmy”
Idk if anyone has told you but the first season is by far the worst. I often recommend that people skip it honestly. So if you watched it and we’re still into it just get ready because it gets so much better
I hope you enjoy it! Maybe by the time you finish TNG, you’ll have switched “sides”!
The entire first season??!!
Ummm just a fair warning, the first season of TNG was pretty badly written. It gets better with the later seasons.
I am quite enjoying it so far, to be honest. The completist in me would slog through the first season even if I didn’t enjoy it though.
Keep in mind, though I’ve been immersed in sci-fi all my life and I’ve definitely seen Star Trek shows before (and all the pre-Abrams movies), but my expectations to this show are largely set by pop culture.
Relative to those expectations, I was really surprised not far into the first episode by how thought-provoking it is. The character of Q was about t as far from (my expectation of) a Star Trek ‘villain’ as I could have imagined.
I love season 1, personally. It does get objectively better, but s1 and 2 have some fun episodes.