Just once I’d like a post where everyone is chill and positive about stuff instead of focusing on negative

Edit: I dunno why I expect people to ever be capable of being positive anymore. Dunno why I bother.

  • Flying Squid
    268 months ago

    Yeah, but those J.J. Abrams movies were still terrible. Star Trek made by someone who doesn’t like Star Trek. No.

    • VaultBoyNewVegas
      178 months ago

      Did the same to star wars. He must hate sci fi because he’s ruined every sci fi show/movie he’s been involved in.

    • StametsOP
      218 months ago

      Star Trek directed by someone who doesn’t like Star Trek. There were a lot of people on those movies who really loved Star Trek and it showed through. They’re not the best, that’s for sure, but I still like them for what they are. However I will say that Beyond is definitely my favorite. Might have something to do with JJ not directing it at all and it feeling like an interesting mix of a TOS episode and Kelvin timeline action/adventure.

      Also Idris Elba.

      • Doug [he/him]
        38 months ago

        I think Beyond was my least favorite of the newer ones personally, but I’d still put it above the last time I watched Motion Picture so it seems silly to me to trash those while elevating all the old ones.

        Star Trek is a universe of things between campy and serious. It’s possible enjoy them all, or ignore the ones to don’t.

        • @rambaroo@lemmy.world
          38 months ago

          No one really does that though. The Motion Picture being a bad a movie is widely acknowledged by pretty much everyone. The classics are II-VI, except for V which also sucks.

          • Doug [he/him]
            28 months ago

            I’ve seen some positive talk about TMP recently for one.

            Aside from that it’s easy to find people falling in to the “the new stuff sucks. The old stuff is way better” about pretty much anything Trek or not.

            Even your list doesn’t fit with the old adage of the evens being good and the odds being crap.

            • @rambaroo@lemmy.world
              18 months ago

              III is ok but I wouldn’t say it’s bad. At least not as bad as TMP and V. There’s always people being contrarians about movies though. The general consensus is that TMP is super boring.

              Of course everyone has their own taste. Maybe some people like how slow TMP is. It’s a very different movie from the Abrams series so I wouldn’t automatically invalidate someone who liked it but not the new ones. I can’t stand Abrams’ hectic/ADHD filming style so I’ve never liked his take on ST. But that doesn’t mean the old ones are all good, the TNG movies are basically all trash except for first contact.