I immediately block them as soon as I realize they’re a repost bot. Has cleaned up my feed nicely.
Just sucks that every new user will have to jump through hoops and block a dozen accounts before Lemmy is useable.
Not to mention that even opening some of the bot accounts pages to block them crashes the page sometimes because they have so many posts
Truthfully I found I have had to block quite a few more communities than just the reddit bots. Everything in the fediverse has required work so far. Worth it imo though.
Can we have group blocks?
Let users collaborate on the list of accounts and domains they want to block. E. g. have a special type of channel and every link that is posted and upvoted is blocked.
Isn’t there an option to block bot accounts?
Some bots are actually useful; article shorteners for example.
I don’t want to disable all bots just because of a few bad actors.
Yes. Some people just like to complain. There’s plenty of stuff that needs blocked that are not bots.
I’m almost there, still at the internal dialogue of “oh damnit” and mild annoyance stage but haven’t quite gotten to the “do something about it stage”
Came here to say this. As seen in this thread, there are people who seem to want it, so I see nothing wrong with letting them have it. I wonder how hard it would be to implement a blocklist to make this a bit less of a hassle.