This is just ridiculous - prosecuting Yaroslavl Hunka makes sense, as he himself was a part of a nazzi military outpost.
Prosecuting or using it as a political tool against Chrystia Freeland makes absolutely no sense as it was her grandfather (!) who was at involved in the nazzi business.
Blame granddaughter for grandfather’s sins…
I don’t know what’s going on politically in Canada, but this is just pathetic in my opinion.
Michael Chomiak, Freeland’s maternal grandfather whom she’s repeatedly cited as a political inspiration
The link to her essay mentions her grandfather a couple of times, but never “cites as a political inspiration”. Just to give a historical context.
Terrible piece of journalism
All nazi apologists and revisionists should read
Are you trying to imply I’m a nazi apologist for simply refusing to punish anyone for the crime they did not commit?
What if you grandfather was a rapist - would you find it necessary for yourself to go around, admit that your grandfather was a rapist, apologies for this and suffer consequences?
Anyone who worked for or supported Nazis should suffer the consequences. She did not.
If you say a Nazi is one of your biggest inspirations you are not fit for political office anywhere in the world. Full stop.
100% agree - but when did she say that?