I share a name with a very famous professional athlete. I don’t even think about it usually but as soon as I have to give my name to someone I can pretty much count on some remark about the athlete by the same name.
I’ve dealt with this in many ways over the years but my most recent method is to pretend to have never heard of that famous person by the same name. That makes the conversation awkward and they usually move on.
Also, if you meet someone who shares a name with a celebrity, keep these things in mind:
- There is nothing you can say about it that is funny or clever. We have heard it all before. Just don’t.
- If you do have something to say about it that is truly original and absolutely hilarious, see the previous rule.
What’s really fun is looking like a celebrity. Dear old Dad looks like a very well known actor, possibly one who is famous for driving a silver Dodge truck in a cop propoganda TV show and being talked about in Barrens chat.
I’ve managed to avoid being confused for the same person by having long hair. Now I look like Jesus.
When Chuck Norris does push-ups, he doesn’t push himself up. He pushes the world down.
Chuck Norris doesn’t sleep…he waits.
Chuck Norris doesn’t wear a watch because Chuck Norris decides what time it is.
Chuck Norris sleeps with a pillow under his gun.
Only Chuck Norris can use a copy machine and get an original.
My cousin apparently looked like Chris Brown when we were younger (before the whole Rihanna beating stuff) but I never saw the resemblance.
But we went to a Game Crazy (now you know how long ago it was) and I remember some girls pointing at him and giggling saying “look it’s Chris Brown! Who’s that next to him though?”
The first time I showed my wife Alan Alda, she was so freaked out cause he looked like a clone of her dad.
Alan Alda looks like every upper class democrat who proudly flies a coexist sticker on the back of his car but goes on self righteous, semi racist tirades at Starbucks bitching about how black people cost Hillary the election
Good burn. Take my upvote. Let us hope Alda sees this. He would be hurt, yet impressed.