What are some of your favorite science fiction books and why? If you had to pick only a few. As of writing this post my favorites are the following.

  • The Quantum Magician
  • Three Body Problem
  • Children of Time

I tend to like in-depth explanations of the fictional science that exists in-universe as well as a good mystery.

  • @Skadiia@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    I really enjoyed Stranger in A Strange Land by Heinlein… Its a classic and even though some concepts are a bit outdated, I think overall its amazing. Actually most of Heinleins books are my go to when I just want a lazy relaxing read. I’ve read them all so many times, its like visiting comfy friends.

    • @mPony@lemmy.world
      21 year ago

      This book is still really solid ; I didn’t really mind the moments of “oh this was SO written several decades ago.”