What is the best skill you possess that makes you stand above the average person?
I am, without trying to sound arrogant, much better at cornering, roundabouts, and general driving than a large part of the population in Australia.
I can enter a roundabout, in a preselected gear, at appropriate revs and speed. Load up the suspension just right, so I’m released into my chosen exit, kissing the apex with a release of energy that feels so sweet, smooth and safe, that it’s a beautiful part of my life.
All within safe thresholds, and always when I know it’s safe. And the way others use roundabouts, it’s always safer than the general population.
You’re like an aussie Alan partridge
As a fellow Australian I think this is partly down to the equipment as well.
I can take a roundabout much faster and more confidently in my sports car with a low centre of gravity and performance tyres compared to an SUV with cheapo tyres like a large proportion of the population drives.
I’m guessing you also drive a car which is more performant than most on the road.
found Daniel Ricciardo
I’m an American who knows how to properly signal when going through a roundabout. This automatically makes me more knowledgeable than 99.99999% of American drivers.