Japanese Speaker. I can read/write some English but not well, so corrections are always appreciated.


  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • I’d write a bookmarklet for that case:

    const name = 'ABC';
    const d = new Date();
    const year = d.getFullYear();
    const month = d.getMonth();
    const date = d.getDate();
    document.activeElement.value = `${year}/${month}/${date} ${name}`;
    void 0;

    This bookmarklet inserts the desired text into the currently focused text box. Tested on Lemmy Web UI.

  • “Pactl load-module” outputs “you have to specify a module name and arguments.”

    As I said in earlier comment, please run "pactl load-module module-switch-on-connect" exactly. Note that Pactl and pactl are different commands and the former is invalid.

    Is the command different for that?

    As the name suggests, pactl is a command for PulseAudio. PipeWire supports application written for PulseAudio, including pactl. Try "man pipewire-pulse" to get further info.

  • Bash should be fine. On typical Bash installation I think this will work (please try to understand each command line before you actually try):

    $ cp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.bak
    $ cp ~/.bash_history ~/.bash_history.bak
    $ printf 'set +o history' >> ~/.bashrc
    $ printf "sudo apt update\nsudo apt upgrade\n" > .bash_history
    $ (Press Ctrl+D to logout)

    For the next bash session you can refer only the two commands from the history with Up/Down/C-p/C-n.