My wife has a dress with pockets and she didn’t notice that for months because she didn’t think to look for them and they weren’t obvious. Same with a nightie. As someone who wears cargo pants, I was amused at her excitement.
Allowing apps to update automatically often means that advertising and feature removal or nerfing, etc., can happen. Checking manually has saved me a lot of grief.
Good point on the basement but the overall concern seems to be that the cost of real estate (including renting) is getting so it’s not feasible for most people to move along from just renting (if they choose to).
With rent you’re just paying to live there. With a mortgage every payment means you own more of the place (equity). If you have payed off the mortgage or didn’t need one then you have equity that you can use for last-ditch funding.
I got bullied in the locker room and used a padlock to try to defend myself. I got in trouble for using a “weapon” and had to apologize to my attackers.
Rules of Tech Support
Rule T9C - If you can’t restore from it, you don’t have a backup.
Rule T9D - If you haven’t tested your backup recently, you don’t have a backup.