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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I don’t use arch (shocking I know), so I can’t help you directly, but I will recommend instead that you invest some effort in learning about the Linux networking stack. It’s very powerful and can be very complicated, but usually the only thing you need to do to get it working is something very simple. Basically all distributions use the Linux kernel networking stack under the hood, usually with only a few user-interface sprinkles on top. Sometimes that can get in your way, but usually it doesn’t. All the basic tools you need should be accessible through the terminal.

    The most basic things you can check are ip a which should show a bunch of interfaces, the one you’re particularly interested in is obviously the wired interface. This will tell you if it’s considered <UP> and whether it has an “inet” address (among other things). If it doesn’t, you need to get the interface configured and brought up somehow, usually by a DHCP broadcast. Network Manager is usually responsible for this in most distributions. Arch seems to have some information here.

    If those things look good, next step is to look at ip r which will tell you the routes available. The most important one is the default route, this will tell your system where to send traffic when it isn’t local, and usually sends traffic to an internet gateway, which should’ve been provided by DHCP and is usually your router, but could also be a firewall, the internet modem itself, or something else. The route will tell it what IP the gateway has, and what interface it can be found on.

    Assuming that looks good, see if you can ping the gateway IP. If your packets aren’t getting through (and back) that suggests something is wrong on a lower level, the kernel firewall might be dropping the packets (configuring the kernel firewall is a whole topic in itself) or one of the IPs is not valid and is not registered properly on the network, or the physical (wiring) or the hardware on either end is not functioning or misconfigured.

    If you can ping the gateway successfully, the next step is to see if you can ping the internet itself by IP. ping will reach out to one of Google’s DNS servers which is what I usually use as a quick test. If you get no response then it’s either not forwarding your traffic out to the internet, or the internet is not able to get responses back to it, and ultimately back to you. Or Google is down, but that’s not very likely.

    If you’ve gotten this far and is responding to you, then congratulations, you HAVE internet access! What you might NOT have is DNS service, which is what translates names into IP addresses. A quick test for DNS is simply to ping google.com and like before, if that fails either your DNS is broken or Google is down, which is still not very likely.

    Hopefully this will help you at least start to find out where things are going wrong. From there, hopefully you can at least steer your investigation in the right direction. Good luck!

  • That push and pull is exactly why they’ve been intentionally using them to rot people’s brains. The dumber and more apathetic you can make your users, the more you can monetize them, you first minimize the push so you can maximize the pull. This is not an accidental “quirk” of modern algorithms, it’s part of the design. Money must be maximized at all costs, including the mental health of the users and the stability of society. Money uber alles. The techbros will drive our society into the ground without a second thought if it makes them a few bucks richer. They’re not planning to stay here anyway. We are just a resource to them, and they will exploit us to the fullest to pursue their unachievable techno-utopia fantasies.

  • I still use Nextcloud for syncing documents and other basic stuff that is relatively simple. But I started getting glacial sync times consuming large amounts of CPU and running into lots of conflicts as more and more got added. For higher performance, more demanding sync tasks involving huge numbers of files, large file sizes, and rapid changes, I’ve started using Syncthing and am much, much happier with it. Nextcloud sync seems to be sort of a jack of all trades, master of none, kind of thing. Whereas Syncthing is a one trick pony that does that trick very, very well.

  • I feel like you are the one who is confusing a “NAS device” or “NAS appliance” as in a device that is specifically designed and primarily intended to provide NAS services (ie, its main attribute is large disks, with little design weight given to processing, RAM or other components except to the extent needed to provide NAS service), and a NAS service itself, which can be provided by any generic device simultaneously capable of both storage and networking, although often quite poorly.

    You are asserting the term “NAS” in this thread refers exclusively to the former device/appliance, everyone else is assuming the latter. In fact, both are correct and context suggests the latter, although I’m sure given your behavior in this thread you will promptly reply that only your interpretation is correct and everyone else is wrong. If you want to assert that, go right ahead and make yourself look foolish.

  • Clearly Russia has no idea how to censor different things in different ways to create a specific narrative for people to buy into. They’ve never done anything like that before, they aren’t masters of the craft of disinformation or anything.

    Totally unrelated joke, how do you know if a Russian is lying? You don’t, sometimes he could be telling the truth just to trick you.

    And I’ll throw in one of my favourite exchanges between two characters:

    “Of all the stories you told me, which ones were true and which ones weren’t?” “My dear Doctor, they’re all true.” “Even the lies?” “Especially the lies.”

    Trusting something coming out of Russia to be true is foolish, just as foolish is trusting it to be false. Nothing that say is reliable in the slightest or should be used to make any useful conclusion about the real world.

  • I can’t live without my Nextcloud + Email server. Having all my personal files, contacts, email, calendar, and other personal information immediately accessible synced and backed up with a single app on any device or platform I want to use, is a dream come true, and I get to do it without any Big Tech, avoiding their lock-in and privacy invasion and without any fees or limits beyond my own hardware.

    OpenVPN is how I can access it from anywhere in the world, so that gets an honorable mention too.

  • A Dockerfile is basically just a script that starts a container image (ranging from standard Linux OS installs like ubuntu or debian or alpine to the very specialized pre-made containers with every piece of software you want already installed and configured and everything unnecessary stripped away) and then does various stuff to it (copies files/dirs from local, runs commands, configures networking). It’s all very straightforward, and if you know how to write a bash script or even just a basic batch file that’s pretty much all its doing, and the end result is a container, which is basically a miniature Linux virtual machine (that is supposed to be “single purpose” but there’s no technical limitation forcing it to be)

    The simplest way to create a container is to use a standard OS container as I mentioned and install the software you want exactly as you normally would in that OS, using the OS package manager if you want, following tutorials for that OS or installing manually using the instructions from the software itself. Either way should work fine. Again, it’s basically not much different from having a virtual machine running that OS. You can even start up a root bash prompt and install it that way if you prefer, or even connect over ssh by running an sshd server on it (although that’s totally uneccessary and requires extra work).

    For basic Dockerfile syntax, look at other people’s Dockerfiles and realize you probably don’t need 90% of the more complex ones. There are millions of them out there, you should be able to find some simple straightforward ones and just mimic those. Will you run into “gotchas”? Sure you will, Docker is full of them, and when you do your Dockerfile will get a little more complex as you find a way to deal with the problem Docker has created for you. Here’s a pretty simple tutorial example of a Dockerfile that just installs a bunch of packages from Debian and doesn’t even run any specific services, or alternatively here’s a Dockerfile that does nothing but run and configure an ssh server like I mentioned above (again that’s totally unnecessary normally but the point is you can certainly do it if you want to!)

  • There’s going to be a bunch of caveats here, but basically…

    Assuming you’re using a NAT router to connect to the internet (basically everyone is nowadays): If you’re using a local LAN IP address (10..., 192.168.., or 172.[16-32]..*) then nobody on the internet can access any services on that IP, unless you specifically port forward it through your router. Assuming there’s nobody dangerous on your local network (and nobody gets a remote-access virus) and your router itself is not hackable then yes it’s entirely safe.

    You don’t technically need a public domain name to set up an SSL certificate, but to smoothly streamline the process in a way that modern software trusts it, you do. A self-signed certificate can be created for any IP address and it will provide full encryption and avoid interception of traffic between established clients, but you will get a scary warning that the certificate is self-signed every time you connect a new client or browser, because it cannot be verified. It still works though, it’s just (intentionally) scary, because it doesn’t know what you’re doing with it and it doesn’t know how to establish trust. You probably don’t need this, but it is an option. Setting up a self-signed certificate will have various degrees of complexity in documentation depending on what web server you’re using, I would recommend using the simplest guide you can find for the relevant web server if you choose to go that route, you don’t need anything complex for this. The keywords you’re looking for are “self-signed certificate”

    Welcome to self-hosting. Nextcloud is a great thing to self-host, too. Hope you enjoy.