Please be careful when copying anything that could be considered your employer’s intellectual property (almost certainly anything you built as an employee falls into this category) off of that employer’s systems.
And definitely be even more careful about using one employer’s IP for a new employer (neither company would be pleased to discover this).
Slaves don’t have private ownership of their capital… because someone else does.
Most “free” workers, in terms of capital, own only their own labor.
Capitalists own the majority of the capital–land, equipment, intellectual property, etc.
A system where the workers own the capital (aka the means of production) is socialism.
.NET core is supported on Linux. There is some stuff that won’t work on Linux, like WPF, but it doesn’t sound like you’re using that.
If you are searching specifically for “.NET hosting” you are bound to come across a bunch of Windows results, so I wouldn’t recommend that.
Any Linux virtual server provider will work just fine, provided they support a Linux distribution that runs the .NET core runtime, (which includes all the major ones). I’d avoid AWS or Azure. Those are a good way to run up a big bill pretty quick, and their service offerings are quite complicated.
A $5 vm from the likes of Linode, Digital Ocean, Vultr, etc, will get you started just fine. Typically the costs won’t be able to “spiral out of control”–you’ll be allocated a set amount of CPU, memory, disk, and network usage.
You will have to configure the web server & .net yourself.
I am assuming from your post that you don’t have a lot of experience with Linux. You can try setting it all up from home too if you have an old PC or laptop lying around (either for practice, or to self-host long term). Download a linux distribution and give setting up a server a shot.
Absolutely, me too.
There were good things about Reddit, but I recognized a while ago that it was having a negative impact on my mental health. I had already been trying to use it less. On the other hand for the last few days when the Reddit drama has picked up I’ve found myself scrolling through lemmy more, and not necessarily in the positive participatory way that I’d prefer.
We’ll see how it all shakes out in the medium to long term I guess.