I agree. It doesn’t mean we ignore all the good they did, but it does give us a more well-rounded view of our heroes, which I think is useful to humanize them. We can take the good and evolve from the bad. This blog post isn’t asking anyone to quit D&D, it’s asking people to recognize the flaws of our forefathers of the hobby, recognize that the hobby has changed from that time, and to look forward to further change, growth, and inclusion for all of us. They created a game that will live beyond them, which is kind of awesome. At least that’s how I read it.
Hell maybe one day I’ll have kids and grandkids and they’ll think I’m backwards in some way, and I’ll be worried or skeptical because I think they’re too radical or weird in some way. But in the end, I’ll hope they’re right despite my misgivings, because the world is better that way - if the world’s next generation is able to carry things on and improve the state of affairs at the same time. We should want that and cheer it on. And looking back at things like this, including acknowledging the flaws of our progenitors and ourselves in addition to their great works, it let’s us see all that and celebrate it, the path we’ve taken from there to here.
I’d agree with that, and I think that’s what makes it acceptable to play the game nowadays and not be ashamed. If we didn’t move past that as a hobby, it would be bad and we should boycott it. But because we have, it means we can instead acknowledge the past and learn from it. So there’s no need to ignore it or hide from it.
The revealed their code to a US company already: Oracle.
They just don’t like that the youth use it to see what’s happening in other parts of the world, like Palestine. They want to be able to keep the US populace within their propaganda bubble, in the state we were in when we didn’t know about things like the Irgun or The Great March of Return.
It also feels like half the activity on Reddit now comes from bots. It makes it feel emptier than it probably is to me when I go visit there occasionally, especially on the big subs. Which then makes me focus on the small subs, which end up feeling smaller or equal to the fediverse already, just on more niche topics.