When I moved from BeOS after they went belly up (F) I took a few concepts with me, not the least of which is ~/config and ~/config/bin the latter of which is added to $path. Highly recommend it as a place to home scripts and small compiled programs that don’t need to be system-wide.
BeOS ❤️
That’s a lot of text to basically say “categorize your data and give the files descriptive names”.
deleted by creator
Source goes in ~/Source and gets checked into git, important stuff goes into ~/Documents and (when I get around to setting it up) gets backed up somewhere, downloads go into ~/Downloads
Otherwise, stuff gets dumped in home and I use fzf, grep and jump to get around quickly
Whole system gets wiped and rebuilt when it gets to cluttered, anything I care about persisting is kept somewhere else and nixos puts my system back
I think organising more than the bare minimum is a constant waste of time when search tools exist