C can STRUCTurise classes tho
Yeah, you can technically write object oriented code in C. Or any other language. Just that actual OOP languages provide a nicer syntax and compile time checks.
Rust is kind of a good example of this. It’s technically not an object oriented language, but the trait system brings it close.
I want my vs code to look like this
But, why?
most C programs are just C++ programs with extra steps if you look at them close enough
Ah yes, what C needs is VTABLEs.
All those memes picturing C++ as unsafe and unstable yet the server that serves these memes is running mostly C/C++ and has an uptime of months.
Also they’re always treating C++ like it’s some arcane enterprise variant that uses 1990s C++
Using modern C++ you can write much cleaner, more usable, and really safe code
Having a thorough process and an engineer approach in software development is also pretty handy. There weren’t many bugs in the AGC. Yet it was programmed mostly in assembly and people had no trouble trusting it with their life.
Lemmy is written in Rust. There might be bits of C at the periphery behind bindings.
And linux is written in C.
Predominantly C. But even the kernel is beginning to use Rust as a way of avoiding entire classes of programming error.
Lemmy is written in Rust.
Wow, way to ruin my joke.
Lemmy is rust and it’s alternative sublinks is java…your comment has now power here
yet the server that serves these memes is running mostly C/C++
Time to rewrite it in Rust!
if i remember lemmy is written in rust
Rust is more like: unless you can mathematically prove to me that this is equivalent to a nut there is no ducking way I’ll ever let you compiled this.
I am
ing thenut_t*
. Pray I don’tstatic_cast
it any further.reinterpret_cast<int*>(&a_nut)
I like to live dangerously.
StackOverflow: Question closed as duplicate. Someone else already asked whether or not something is a nut.
“Question closed as duplicate”
The question it’s a duplicate of: “How to programmatically prove a hotdog is a sandwich?”
1 answer: use the fucking search
First search result brings you to this answer.
Ruby: No, it has been redefined as the number 5 so buckle your seatbelts, kiddos, cuz shit’s about to get wild!
C# should actually be “What Java said, except it’s
”.No, actually C#'s answer should be: “What Java said - hold on, what Python said sounds good too, and C++'s stuff is pretty cool too - let’s go with all of the above.”
C#, or as I like to call it “the Borg of programming languages”.
I got my first software developer role last year and it was the first time I’d written C#, I was more TypeScript. Now we use both but I must say I really like C# now that I’m used to it.
I think most programmers would like C# if they spent time with it. It is getting a bit complex because the joke about it over borrowing from other languages is on the money. It is a nice language though and pretty damn fast these days all things considered.
There’s too much MS in the language and runtime for me. The fact that it gives my Linux programs DLL files and the fact that by default the SDK phones home makes me run away in horror from not only writing it but also running other projects written in it.
even nicer is F#. join us brother, you can do everything that you can do in C# but better
What does it offer that would make it better? Just curious and I’m not in a position to change out tech stack at work though.
removed by mod
Would the equivalent Rust trait be
deleted by creator
“What Java said.”
Okay, that one made me chuckle.
Excel: 12th of Nutuary 1970
Whatever the Tiger 2-XL was “programmed” in, it’s the best.
Thought this was a YTP at first.
No, just an early 90’s toy commercial. Which is probably a video genre of it’s own.
Ce n’est pas une cacahuète
But… It’s a legume?!
Which tracks perfectly with the meme if you read it again
wheres scala?
It’s incompatible with the version of this meme
I just dabbled in javascript again, and that description is spot on!
console.log(‘javascript operators are b’ + ‘a’ + + ‘a’ + ‘a’);
Pepperoni and green peppers, mushrooms, olives, chives!
Oh wait wrong song.
The only reason people use JS is because it’s the defacto language of browsers. As a language it’s dogshit filled with all kinds of unpleasant traps.
Here is a fun one I discovered the other day:
new Date('2022-10-9').toUTCString() === 'Sat, 08 Oct 2022 23:00:00 GMT' new Date('2022-10-09').toUTCString() === 'Sun, 09 Oct 2022 00:00:00 GMT'
So padding a day of the month with a 0 or not changes the result by 1 hour. Every browser does the same so I assume this is a legacy thing. It’s supposed to be padded but any sane language would throw an exception if it was malformed. Not JavaScript.