Bye bye Argentina… you’ve just elected your first ‘trump’.
Argentina’s been gone for years
No wonder such a low rate mobster could take over as mob boss. Figures.
We can always ruin our country even more, it’s like shooting a Zombie anywhere but the head.
Javier Milei is:
Against abortion (except when mother’s life is in danger)
Against sex-ed and wants to eliminate it (says it deforms people’s minds)
Denies climate change (says it’s an invention of socialism)
Anti-vax (But got vaxxed in Nov 2021 because otherwise he would not be able to work in other countries)
Wants to fuse the departments of Social Development, Health and Education into a single department of Human Capital.
In favor of Austrian school of economics - Wants to remove the central bank
Adopt the US dollar
Homosexuality is a personal choice and compares it to zoophilia
In favor of drug legalization and to opening up immigration as long as it doesn’t cost the State.
In favor of people paying for sex
In favor of gun ownership without governmental limitations
Wants to freeze relationships with China, Russia, Brazil because they’re communists.
Wants to align with the US, particularly Trump’s party.
Against the Pope because he represents evil on Earth, and because it promotes communism which goes against the holy scriptures.
In favor of animal cloning
In favor of organ selling
Good luck Argentina
We are so fucked.
The former media ‘shock jock’ commentator has made a series of attacks on the pope, calling him an “imbecile who defends social justice”, a “son of a bitch preaching communism”
According to Luke 16:13 Jesus is supposed to have said “You cannot serve both God and money.”
Luke 6:29-30 “If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.”
Mark 10:21 “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
Good arguments, but you failed to consider
Supply side Jesus
Wow thats a lot of propaganda you are spreading. Massa had 16 years and only made the country worse. The people need a change. Mille may be a mistake but Massa plain does not care. He stole as much money and is leaving. Massa just quit being president even though Mille is not taking over until mid december. Massa is leaving the country tomorrow.
I agree with you on Massa, and on needing a change. But I also think Milei is likely gonna continue to drag the country down plus whatever brand of crazy he wants to stick to once he gets into office.
The truth is you were gonna be screwed (economically) either way. Massa did not give a shit about the country and his greed plus his incompetence (if not his disregard for the good of the people) led to the 140% inflation Argentina is currently experiencing. Milei on the other hand is legitimately crazy (I’m not talking about the conservatism) and also economically incompetent. I understand why he won, and I agree that Massa led the country to the disaster it is in now.
The options you could have voted for were both essentially promising to drag the country down. The only difference was that Milei hasn’t had a chance to prove it yet, and that makes him seem more promising than Massa who has proven to be who he is. Short of a miracle or a revolution, you were always gonna get the short end of the stick, economically speaking (which is what most voters obviously care about). I wish you the best and still hope it might turn out better than it seems right now.
Short of a miracle or a revolution
And thats why Milei probably looks attractive. Accelerationists probably think he is the perfect person to put in power to lead the state to an eventual revolution.
Whelp, get ready for literally everything to get sold off to pay the IMF. They’ll be stripping the wiring from the walls soon.
Do it for the dollas
lol he’s as libertarian as rothbard
which is to say he’s a neolib
This is good for Bitcoin 📈
Bitcoin does present a possible solution to the monetary woes of Argentina.
Mileis election signals a growing awareness that central bankers are just scammers and getting off the gold standard was one of the biggest mistakes humanity ever made.
Ahahah. No. Cryptocurrency is for rubes to get rubed, and tying a State’s sovereign fiat money to a commodity belongs in the dustbin of history.
deleted by creator
The value of a State’s fiat money comes from them requiring that taxes be paid in that same money. Yes they can print as much money as they want, but they don’t, and they can regulate its value by destroying some of it through taxation.
Second Thought: Why The Government Has Infinite Moneydeleted by creator
If they can print as much money as they like then they obviously they can always make any interest payment, as former Fed. Chair Alan Greenspan himself has plainly stated.
Furthermore, the government doesn’t need to borrow money in the first place, because again, it can print as much as it wants.
So you might ask, why does our government create these treasury securities in the first place? I think the answer is largely twofold. Firstly as another tool for managing inflation. By giving the wealthy a safe place to profitably park their money, that money is temporarily removed from the real economy. Secondly because those same wealthy capitalists are the ones calling the shots in the first place, and they want a safe place to profitably park their money.deleted by creator
Becuse it worked so well for Russia.