Most servers are not able to access the Google API.
Invidious report of the same(ish) problem:
I watch more YouTube than I do television these days.
As of now, I’m able to watch it ad free on both Brave and Firefox. I don’t have revanced as I’m more or less too technically stupid to do it.
If it becomes impossible to watch YouTube, I’ll walk away from it just like I did cable in 2009 and Netflix in 2023.
I haven’t sailed the high seas since the eighties, and I’d honestly prefer not to, but you gotta make a product that doesn’t consistently try to piss me off.
It’s not trying to piss you off, it’s trying to make money, as it should. Do you have any idea how much money it costs to run the infrastructure behind YouTube? Neither do I, because it’s unfathomable.
I pay for YouTube Premium along with 5 friends. It’s $5 per month per person. Beats any streaming service by miles.
I do, however pirate all my movies (except for the occasional cinema visit) and TV shows.
Not to be a downer but… how did people not anticipate this happening? Google is likely going to do everything they can to shut down non-official clients like Piped, since they’re sidestepping all of YouTube’s revenue streams. Hopefully they don’t take the nuclear option and somehow lock down the API and make it much harder to download videos via tools like yt-dlp.
Well, if they implement their web integrity DRM thingy in Chrome and Youtube then that will prevent anything that’s not a real approved browser from accessing the website, and with that the video streams. Not only Piped/Newpipe, but anything automated trying to access any website will be automatically locked out unless the website approves of it. New search engine bot? Archiving crawlers? Any type of third party program that accesses some website’s content without approval? Dead.
I’m pretty sure most people anticipated it at some point. I just seems to be starting now.
It amazes me how entitled these Internet hippies are nowadays. You can’t expect someone to provide such a huge service for free. If you don’t like ads, pay for it. It’s like $5 per month when you pay as a group…
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I would pay if
Google promised not collect any data but now you would pay and have your data collected.
I just want load my subscription feed and they are all there not hidden away.
Hid shorts or have them on separate tab.
Bonus would be if related videos where acutely related videos in time span. Not the mess they are now.
Also why would I have to pay YouTube music? I don’t want that.
If you are using LibreTube this is fixable by disabling piped proxies in the setting. HOWEVER do be warned that Youtube will know your IP, so you should only really do this while using a VPN service.